Monday, April 30, 2012

I attended my first VW meet at Sherwood Island State Park in Connecticut on April 7th. It was called Dubs on Defrost and I was quite excited about going. It rained and was cold the first week of April and I was beginning to think I'd never get to wash the car or vacuum it beforehand. The weather cleared up on Thursday, so that was my pre-meet clean up day.  I clean it regularly anyway, if you call washing it at least once a day and usually twice a day regular. ;) Because of the rain though, it hadn't had it's bath for about 5 days or a vacuum. I got it ready to go and counted off the remaining days

I mapped out a slow poke route. I try to avoid any high speed highways or interstates. Joy and I kind of like moseying along. I've never had anyone on the road get aggravated at me for going so slow up those hills, but it does make me nervous to be running 15 mph under the posted speed limit with big rigs running up behind me. I feel very, very small at those times. We took the back woods route and enjoyed the drive and the scenery. Western Connecticut is beautiful and it was such a sunshiny day at the beach. I had a great time and met lots of wonderful people and saw a lot of lovely cars. I also won the Best Air Cooled  award. What a pleasant ending to a very nice day. 

Peace and joy VW lovers... Till we meet here again... :)

My Fastback

This is my second VW Type III Fastback. My first was a red orange with white interior, 1971 Fastback. It was 1976 and I was 17 years old. My little Fasty was my first car. She's long since gone, but I always regretted losing her and wished for another. I've been looking at them online and drooling over them ever since I became computer literate. Now it's 2012 and I'm 53 years old and my dear husband bought me this one about three weeks ago. 

I've been smoothing on down the road in an Impala for the last 8 years and I loved it... cruise, smooth ride, awesome stereo, the power steering and brakes we so take for granted and electric everything. Spoiled me rotten. In order to have the Fastback I had to choose between it and my Impala. I had to think about it for a while. At my age comfort means a lot. I finally just HAD to have this little orange beauty and I haven't regretted it at all. These cars are so much FUN! You drive them. Forget the smooth, forget the cruise, forget the power steering and brakes. Clutching, shifting, hoping the people behind you don't mind 40 mph up the steep hills, cause that's all you've got. 55 mph feels like 80 and it's just so much fun. :D

I named my little orange beauty Joy. I came up with that name because she makes me smile. I smile when I raise the blinds in the morning and see her in the driveway. I smile when I'm driving her. I smile when I think about her, which seems to be often. The thing is, she seems to make everyone else smile too. I hadn't really given that much thought. I just remembered how much I loved my first VW.  

Everywhere I go people look at her and smile. I get a wave or a thumbs up. I come out of the stores when I'm shopping and there's always someone around the car, looking at it, looking in it or taking photos of it. People come up to talk. I can't go anywhere without someone wanting to talk, usually more than one someone. That's okay with me, because I'm a people person. I love getting to share my VW Joy with others. :) I've been chased down by camera waving people. I've been in the car in a parking lot and watched the little parade of slow moving cars driving by and looking. More waves and smiles. Little children love the bright color. Teens love it and those of us old enough to remember running around in the old VW's love it. 

Can you tell I love my car? I bet you can. 

Peace VW lovers. Till next time...